Monday, October 20, 2008

தாத்தாவைப் பற்றி...

திண்ணை தொடர்பதிவில் என்னை யாரும் இணைக்கவில்லை. ஆனால் தாத்தாவைப் பற்றி பல முறை எழுத. 

What was that old Thatha's name? He was a tenant in the front room of the house at Kanchi!. We were with mother ,and I was the PR of the family. Though did not know that time :-). I was hardly 8 years, but very silly and all playful. Missed my Dad most of the time, but did ot realise it then.

The diwali with that Thatha was fun. His room was overlooking the Thinnai  and he would be sitting regally on the Thinnai wearing pure white clothes and be clean all the time!

He bought some crackers and made me fire them.

I was wearing new " cheeti" pavaadai and mom was a little worried that i may burn myself. As usual Akka came and cautioned me and went back room, but I was on cloud nine firing gifted crackers . I might have been over enthu and Thatha could not answer my silly querries, He was tired I suppose.. but when  burnt my hand , I screamed ,  he scolded me!

Mom gave up on me , but Akka spread some oil on my palm. The hightlight was, I avoided the Thinnai for some days, fearing his wrath.
Why I remember him most is, because of the remark he made about me. He was approving my sis who was calm , docile, and "adakkam". Here I was tall for my age, and like a butterfly, on my feet all the time. He could not cope with my activity based life. 

He was a palm reader guy. he said after reading my palm  " she will never achieve anything big! She is too attention deficit. she cannot reach any heights, nor she will study big studies( Periay Padippu). "

That was what I remembered most of the time. Whenever I fell down in life 
and lost, I remembered his prediction. Then I come up with a vengence. 
I proved him wrong. My sisters and family think that I am the best of all!

But I still get his voice when I fail, and I use it to climb my next step .

Thanks thatha!

Now I know you should never ever discourage children with those mighty words!.

1 comment:

  1. That was too harsh upon him :)
    Very few kids use criticisms to climb up. I can picturise ur thatha and his predictions and ur reactions for the same.

    Good for you to have reached heights.


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