When one finds an article about fresh milk , it is not something new or we did not know about it.But ,from USA , it is amusing indeed. http://www.examiner.com/parenting-in-san-francisco/exploring-the-benefits-of-a-family-cow-and-raw-milk is extolling the virtues of fresh milk. And that made me laugh out loud.
Hey, in this part of the world this is what our Gouds,paalkarar and others are doing for centuries. And after the advent of packed milk on polythene, we forgot the cows and buffaloes and shunted them out of city limits, and are still shunting them out!
All because ,we wanted commerce, efficiency and no-pain no-stain no-stink milk at door step. we forgot the morning walk required for going to the milk man and wait for some minutes, chit-chat and be grateful to the Buffalo/cow. We forgot how to be vigilant and see that the milkman does not add water to the milk , before he measured out the frothy liquid. We forgot how the can would be warm to hold, and the coffee would smell like heaven and taste like one!
(courtesy Google)
(courtsey The Hindu)
Now , back to the article, and the knowledge it imparts. So what do we do now? Ape the practice and bring back our fresh milk vendors? Feel mighty good that our forefathers knew what was good life , and our civilisation was far superior? Confused.